NOT in MLS: 3br Single Family in Asheville, NC (Near Weaverville) for only $58.27/sqft!! (NOT a Short Sale, NOT a Foreclosure)

312 Heather Ct. Asheville NC 28804

Sale Price
Sale Price: $99,900.00
Estimate Repairs: $25,000.00
After repair value: $170,000.00
Equity Potential: $45,000.00
Description of Home
Type: Detached Home
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Levels: 2
Parking: 1 Car Garage
Square Feet Total: 1716
Lot Size(Acres): 0.25 - 0.5
Sale Comps
16 Terri Dr. (3br/2ba) - Sold - $169,000.00
5 Lowry Ln. (3br/2ba) - Sold - $160,000.00
257 Baird Cove Rd. (3br/2ba) - Sold - $170,000.00

Additional Information

Great home just near growing Weaverville! Everything you'd want in a house: 3br, 2ba, 1 car garage w/ enough space for the kids to run! Outdated. Needs some TLC. But what do you expect for only $58.27/sqft! You can't find anything like it in the area. Hurry, it won't last!

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All information, including figures, are provided in good faith, but are not guaranteed to be accurate. Buyers should conduct their own due diligence. We are not agents and this is not a pocket listing. We are under contract with the title holder and considered principals in the transaction. Anyone attempting to contact the title holder will be viewed as intentional interference with a contract and legal action may be brought against you. Additionally, you will be permanently removed from our mailing list and the mailing list of other major wholesalers in the area.