When you contact MyOffMarketHomes, you may talk to Greg. He’s been finding off market deals for over 25 years, so he’s dealt with all kinds of seller situations and personalities and knows how to best deal with both. 🙂 He is well known in the real estate investing industry, extremely trustworthy (or he wouldn’t still be in business this long!), and can help you find, lock up, and resell your off market deal. Greg was born and raised in Alexandria, VA. He graduated from Edison High School and went on to study Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech. He’s been married for over 25 years and has 4 girls and 2 black labs. When Greg isn’t helping homeowners, he’s usually hanging out with his family, kiteboarding or surfing in the summer, or snowboarding in the winter.

Greg Norman


When you contact MyOffMarketHomes, you may talk to Mike. Mike and Greg have known each other since 5th grade! Mike has been working with Greg for over 10 years and has tons of experience with sellers and situations. His network of other investors and agents in the DMV area is vast and can help lock up and resell your off market deal fast! Mike was born and raised in Alexandria, VA and went to Edison High School. Mike is married and has 5 kids. When Mike isn’t helping homeowners, you can find Mike on the golf course or at a local winery with his wife.

Mike Lautar

DC Metro Area Director

When you contact MyOffMarketHomes, you may talk to Johnny. Johnny and Greg met kiteboarding. Johnny had an interest in real estate investing so Greg showed him how to do it safely and profitably. Johnny now has over 3 years and has tons of experience dealing with sellers and situations. His network of other investors and agents in the Tampa Bay area is vast and can help lock up and resell your off market deal fast! Johnny grew up in St. Pete and went to Seminole High School. He is also a professional pilot and pilot instructor, and likes playing ice hockey in his free time (Go Bolts!).

Johnny Mead

Tampa Bay Area Director

About MyOffMarketHomes.com

For over 20 years, we have been helping homeowners avoid the hassle of selling traditionally. Whether you need your home to close next week to avoid foreclosure, have tenants/family in your house you don’t know what to do with, have loads of “stuff” that is too overwhelming to deal with, or you just want to avoid getting the home in “selling condition”, we have have helped 100s of homeowners sell their home in as-is condition at a fair price. We’ve encountered nearly every situation when it comes to real estate and are equipped with the expertise to help resolve them. If you have any questions about how MyOffMarketHomes.com works, the process of selling a house, or if you just want to learn more about us…don’t hesitate to contact us anytime!


Greg Norman
Founder, MyOffMarketHomes.com